Skyline Drive and Blue Ridge Parkway to Roanoke (258 miles)
⇐Day 1 | Day 3⇒ Filling up in the early morning right outside the entrance to Skyline Drive. Before the trip each fuel stop was planned out. This was to save time and to avoid going up and down long mountain passes just to find fuel. We were hoping to get better fuel economy but planned for 15 MPG and no more than 150 miles between fuel stops. With an 11 gallon tank (filled right to the filler neck) there was just a little reserve. Sunrise on Skyline Drive - it only takes about 3 hours to drive Skyline Drive when not stopping much. There were quite a few people up there to see the sunrise. The Blue Ridge Parkway starts right at the end of Skyline Drive. It can be thought of as a continuous road; the only difference is that Skyline Drive is in Shenandoah National Park and has an entrance fee. A special treat was the Olive Loaf lunchmeat - we had not had that in many years and it brought back good memories of stopping for a picnic lunch on the side of the road on the way to the Jersey Shore. (Now of course that seems ridiculous to do...) At this lunch stop we met a few people who wanted to take pictures. One of them had a Model A and wanted to know if the green color was stock (it is - Rock Moss Green, for commercial vehicles). The funny thing was when seeing the NJ license plate he said that he knows that some people will really take the Model A's on long trips and we thought - yeah, we are right here! :-) These pictures were taken by Mark at Lostknight Images who graciously shared them with us.
More Blue Ridge Parkway... ⇐Day 1 | Day 3⇒
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